Vertical Air Receivers
McMillan offers a popular range of vertical air receivers that are specifically designed for use in industrial compressed air systems.
These premium quality pressure vessels are exclusively made in our affiliated factory that is ISO 9001 compliant.
Save time and money when purchasing a vertical air receiver by selecting from our extensive stock of competitively priced pressure vessels that are available for immediate delivery anywhere in Australia.
Design safety verified in accordance with Australian Standard AS1210-2010.
Manufacturer’s Data Report available, in accordance with Australian Standard AS4458-1997.
OH&S Registered Design approved for workplace use in all Australian States and Territories.
Industry preferred socket stand placement.
Reinforced vessel support attachments.
External surfaces are abrasive blast cleaned, primed and finish coated in two-pack polyurethane paint.
Dulux® Process Blue external colour indicates compressed air content in accordance with Australian Standard AS1345-1995.
Individually packed in a horizontal position inside a full timber crate with plastic bag cover.
Design optimised for ease of handling, transport, storage and installation.